Smart Phone Web Access Is A Must
“Google said it tweaked its algorithm for mobile searches to favor sites that look good on smartphone screens,
and penalize sites with content that is too wide for a phone screen and text and links that are too small.”
The share of Americans that own smartphones is now 81%, up from just 35% in Pew Research Center’s
first survey of smartphone ownership conducted in 2011.
“Get Smart” today…
Traditionally, websites are designed to be viewed on Desktop or Laptop monitors. Viewing a website that isn’t “smart phone friendly” on a smart phone can be difficult. Shopping on one can be virtually impossible. We will take your current website and restructure it to work perfectly with any smart device. This will have no effect on the way your site is currently viewed on a computer.
Whether we design a new site or upgrade your current one, we will have you ready for “Smart Phone Business” quickly. This service is very affordable… A “one time” conversion fee does it all.